Initial Therapy

Examination and Consultation:  Your first appointment in our office is an examination and consultation.  This appointment consists of a detailed review of your medical and dental history, a full mouth examination, a review of x-rays, and a preliminary treatment plan customized to suit your individual needs.  Dr. Pecoraro will explain to you in detail the procedures and rationale for the treatment needed.  The goal of the initial visit is to educate you about the causes of your periodontal disease and to provide you with the information to treat your case.

Scaling & Root Planing: The removal of plaque and calculus (tartar) deposits from the crowns and roots of the teeth both above and below the gum line.  The purpose of scaling and root planing is to reduce the “pockets” and inflammation around the teeth. This procedure is usually performed with a local anesthetic to ensure patient comfort.

Polishing: The removal of any remaining stains and plaque from the crowns and exposed root surfaces once scaling and root planing have been completed.  This is performed in some but not all cases.

Overhang Removal: This is the smoothing of improperly contoured margins.

Oral Rinsing: An antibacterial rinse may be used in conjunction with Initial therapy and is by prescription only.